To the Mentoring Community:
I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving my position as Recruitment Specialist at Mobius in November. I started in August 2008 as an AmeriCorps VISTA member and while my time serving with Mobius was measured in months, what I learned over the past year is immeasurable.
Whether we recruited mentors together, improved opportunities for youth, or networked at an event, I am grateful to have been able to share this time with many of you as we put in a tremendous effort to serve children in our communities.
Mobius and 19 partnering programs reached 800 mentor matches this year for the first time ever. In this economic climate it has been a challenge for most of us as non-profits, but this proves that when we are all seeking to serve children, and to serve them well, through volunteering, donation of money or goods, and resourceful recruitment, we can accomplish the unexpected!
At the end of November, the Mobius VISTA torch will be passed on to Benji Thurber, a Middlebury alumnus who has mentored in the past and, along with Tracy, will add so much to recruitment efforts, mentoring advocacy and public awareness. His email address is; say hello! He will be taking over referrals at the end of November. You can also contact if you have any other questions.
Thanks, everyone, for helping me find my way throughout the year and for sharing what you know.
All the best,
Meredith Rivlin
it's not an illusion! i've said it before and i'll say it again: