I was sitting at my desk, in front of my computer, "working." My office is on the basement level of a building, so there is a window next to me that looks out to ground level.
I was doing some 'office chat' with my coworker whose desk faces mine when i noticed that I started feeling funny. She started feeling funny too. Then things started getting cloudy and i looked out the window and there were people working on the building and right when i looked over a huge gust of chemical gas vapor cloud puffed in my face and i did a slow-motion "noooooo!" with a side dive out of my chair and some coughing and belly sliding to escape but i was too late and i had inhaled the chemical and my dream self imagined that they would find me curled up next to my desk and my computer and my files (paper). may my dream self rest in 9-to-5 peace
(more eerie photos here )
she looks cute with that mask